recreation management
General Studies 42
(see pages 71-72)
Professional Recreation Course Requirements 33
REC 300 Professional Foundations of Recreational Therapy 3
REC 347 Group Leadership/Recreation Leadership 3
REC 345 Introduction to Recreation and Leisure 3
REC 336 Program Planning for Leisure Services 3
REC 447 Management of Recreational Therapy Services 3
REC 448 Recreational Therapy for Implications of Disabling Conditions 3
REC 201 Field Study in Recreation Management I 1
REC 302 Field Study in Recreation Management II 1
REC 451 Professional Internship in Recreation Management 10
REC 453 Trends in Recreation Management 3
Business Management, Accounting and Marketing Requirements
Required Support Courses 15
MGT 204 Business Communications 3
ACT 214 Principles of Financial Accounting 3
MGT 321 Principles of Management 3
MKT 333 Consumer Behavior 3
MGT 421 Personnel Management 3
Required Electives 11
PED 250 Applied Anatomy and Physiology
*BIO 319 Human Anatomy 4
PED 253 First Aid, CPR and Care of Athletic Injuries 3
PED 100-PED 237 Four Sports Skill Courses 4
* If the student chooses to take BIO 319, the student must also take BIO 320.
Free Electives 21