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ed.s library education media

Candidates for the AA Level, Ed.S in Library Education Media, come from various school library settings-- rural, urban and suburban. The AA candidates represent diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. They bring to the course of study their expertise in the areas of collection development, curriculum support, technology integration, peer collaboration, media management, and legal issues.

During the course of their professional studies, candidates engage in courses that enrich their research skills, assist in refining curriculum connections between the media center and the classroom, allow them to focus attention on legal issues related to school media programs, and foster growth in content areas. The required LEM courses engage candidates in reflective thinking as they discuss topics, engage in research, and design materials that demonstrate they are decision-makers.

Candidates for the Ed. S. in Library Education Media may pursue one of two options:

  • Thesis Option:

In lieu of an internship, AA level candidates are required to participate in field-based action research. Education Specialists must complete two semesters of thesis research.  The thesis must focus on a topic that promotes action in the area of the P-12 media center. It is a formal process that  includes permission from the University Office of Institutional Research, a thesis committee, and a thesis oral defense. All candidates at the AA level must take a comprehensive exam after completing course requirements.

  •  Non-thesis Option:

In lieu of an internship, AA level candidates are required to participate in field-based action research. This option requires the completion of two semesters of a field study.  The research must focus on a topic that promotes action in the area of the P-12 media center. It is a formal process that  includes permission from the University Office of Institutional Research. The non-thesis option has a slightly less formal review of individual research than the thesis option; however, the research and writing requirements have the same rigor asthat of the thesis option. All candidates at the AA level must take a comprehensive exam after completing course requirements.

Education Specialist candidates are required to maintain a grade-point average of 3.25 throughout their course of study.

Program Checklist

Instructional Support Area (15 hours):

  • LEM 501 Readings in Instructional Technology (3)
  • LEM 570 Legal Basis of Library Education  (3)
  • LEM 600 Seminar in Library Media  (3)
  • LEM 613 Advanced Educational Media Programs  (3)
  • LEM 625 Research in Library Media  (3)

Research (6 hours): Select only one option

1. Thesis

  • LEM 696 Thesis I  (3)
  • LEM 697 Thesis II  (3)

 2. Non-thesis

  • LEM 698 Field Study & Research I  (3)
  • LEM 699 Field Study & Research II  (3)

Survey of Special Education coursework (0-3 hours):

  • SED 500 The Exceptional Student  (0-3)
    Required if not taken in earlier degree program unless a similar course was taken.

Practicum: (3 hours)

  • EDU 691 Advanced Practicum in Education  (3)

Advisor Approved Electives (6 hours):