Accounts Payable
Welcome to Accounts Payable Services
Mission Statement
The Accounts Payable Department supports Alabama State University's goals and mission. We provide accurate and timely disbursement of payments to the University's vendors.
We adhere to all requirements established by Federal regulations, State law, and Alabama State University's policies and procedures. We strive to be recognized as an efficient, responsible and friendly team that is valued by all.
Department Goals
Friendly – Quality customer service for all students, faculty, staff and vendors.
Timeless – We pay all students, faculty, staff and vendors in a timely manner.
Accuracy – We will process cash advance requests in a timely and accurate manner.
Teamwork – We will work together to support the needs of students, faculty, staff and vendors.
Angelika White - Account Payable Supervisor
Phone: 334-229-6985
Suppliers: A-E
Jeffery Davis - Senior Accounts Payable Specialist
Phone: 334-229-6702
Suppliers: F-Z
Cash Advances for Lodging
Ruthie Ross - Accounts Payable Specialist
Phone: 334-229-4205
Check Requests
Individual Invoices
Expense Reimbursements
Cash Advances for University Travel
The Accounts Payable office is located in W. H. Councill Hall, Room 226
Physical Address Mailing Address
915 South Jackson St PO Box 271
Montgomery AL 36104 Montgomery AL 36101-271
Non-Employee Travel Voucher.docx