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associate professor panelist at distinguished state conference

Linda Holloway
By Hazel Scott
Dr. Linda J. M.  Holloway, associate professor in Alabama State University’s College of Education and Department of Instructional Support, served as a distinguished guest panelist at the NAACP of Alabama’s state conference, titled “The Shelby Summit of 2024: Pursuing the Promise.” 
The Shelby Summit, which was held at the University of Montevallo, was described in an NAACP press release as “…a vital platform for addressing the aftermath of the landmark SCOTUS Shelby v. Holder decision. This pivotal ruling gutted Section II of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, shaking the foundation of voting rights protection in our nation.”
ASU’s Holloway, a counselor/educator and award-winning children’s book author, was invited to participate in the two-day event, expecting on the topic, “Having an Open and Honest Dialogue about Mental Health and Voting.” 
“I’m impressed to see a plethora of organizations willing to have an open and honest dialogue concerning mental health, particularly in the Black community where there is such a stigma associated with mental illness. To address the community about mental health warms my heart,” Holloway said. “I felt my points were very well received and resonated with the audience.”
Holloway noted that she hopes that more organizations take the time to step boldly out of their comfort zones and address issues concerning Mental Health.  
“I look forward to continuing to engage the community to discuss mental health and wellness. It is even more important to ensure you are disseminating accurate information concerning where people can seek the appropriate assistance they might need,” Holloway added.