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President Ross Bio Photo

President Quinton T. Ross, Jr.

Dr. Quinton T. Ross, Jr., serves as the 15th President of Alabama State University, his beloved alma mater, with a transformative vision and unwavering commitment to servant leadership. Since assuming office in October 2017, Dr. Ross has spearheaded a remarkable turnaround for ASU, focusing on fiscal stability and debt reduction resulting in significant financial transformation for the institution.

Under his leadership, ASU has witnessed over a $20 million investment in comprehensive infrastructure enhancements, including security upgrades, and multiple modernization projects. Dr. Ross’s strategic initiatives have propelled ASU to unprecedented heights, exemplified by its reaffirmation by the SACSCOC through 2030.

Through innovative partnerships and a strategic roadmap titled FOCUS 2030, Dr. Ross has expanded access and opportunities for ASU’s diverse student body, resulting in remarkable academic achievements and fundraising milestones. His leadership has elevated ASU’s national standing, among the nation's top Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

Dr. Ross’s influence extends beyond campus borders, as evidenced by his appointments to state and national boards and councils, including the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities Board of Advisors, the HBCU Capital Financing Advisory Board, Thurgood Marshall College Fund Board of Directors, Chairman of the Southwestern Athletic Conference commission, to name a few. He has been recognized with numerous accolades, including the Thurgood Marshall College Fund’s 2023 Educator of the Year award.

A passionate advocate for education and diversity, Dr. Ross’s legacy is defined by his dedication to empowering young minds and fostering progress and inclusivity. With a distinguished career spanning over 29 years in education, he continues to make impactful contributions as an educator, administrator, and statesman.

Dr. Ross is a distinguished graduate of ASU and is actively involved in various civic and community organizations, including Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., and the 100 Black Men of America. Beyond his professional achievements, he cherishes his role as a devoted husband and father, embodying the values of excellence, integrity, and compassion.