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hornets web: new Students

Accessing Hornetsweb New Student Portal

Hornetsweb is the student application that gives each student the ability to view their student and applicant center, which includes admission application status, financial aid, residency, course enrollment, class schedule, grades, tuition account summary/make a payment, personal contact information and more.

This portal is accessible to all incoming and returning students with an ASU nine-digit student ID number.

If you are a first-time freshman or incoming student, You will receive an e-mail from with your student ID number and temporary password to access Hornetweb for the first time.

If this is your first time logging in, you should encounter the General Profile Information page.

  • Click change/setup forgotten password help
  • Choose a security question and answer, then click OK.
  • Once you receive the successful message, you should log out of the account and log back in.
If you require a Password Reset, please contact OTS helpdesk at 334-229-4560.