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Health Services supports the university in academia, healthy lifestyles, professional competence, and citizenship that steers individual and organizational well-being.  As health care professionals, the staff is committed to exceptional customer service that cultivates a healthy community to live, work, and learn. The center is staffed with two registered nurses, a medical secretary, and a certified registered nurse practitioner. Collectively, the staff possesses more than seventy years of experience.

Educational programs are presented to promote wellness, prevent illness, and maintain health.                  

Our Health Center provides services such as the following:
o   Treatment for sickness and injuries    
o    Diagnostic tests
o    Educational programs
o    Individual counseling
o    Insurance information
o    Limited dental services
o    Psychiatric/emotional care
o    Individual support                                    

In order to be seen by the certified registered nurse practitioner or the nurse, students must be enrolled/ validated and present their ASU student identification before services are rendered for each visit. Walk-ins are welcomed for maximum student convenience.  

We operate in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act (HIPAA), which means, all patient medical information is confidential and will not be shared with anyone without the patient’s authorization.

Our Health Center is located on the ground floor of Simpson Hall.

Hours of operation:
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday COVID Testing - Acadome.

To request an appointment click here:

Tuesday & Thursday STI testing, Injury/Illness, and Wellness Clinic - Office 8-4 p.m. (by Appointment)
To request an appointment click here:



Contact information:

Office: 334-229-4436

Fax: 334-229-4923

24 hour Nurse Line: 1-800-634-7629


To learn the latest information about the Coronavirus (COVID 19) and the preparations that ASU is making, then visit: