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April 14, 2022
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ASU Working to Increase Minorities in Engineering by Hosting Two-Day Student Event

- Major employers & graduate school representatives were at ASU to present and meet with students. 

By Kenneth Mullinax/ASU 

Alabama State University continues to promote diversity and inclusiveness in the field of engineering for minority students as evidenced by its hosting a two-day event in partnership with the ASM Materials Education Foundation on April 6 – 7. The event had the two-fold purpose of focusing on graduate education opportunities and introducing undergraduate ASU students to major employers in the profession. 

The workshop was held in the ASU Hardy Center's ballroom and was titled "Exploring our World Through Engineering." It was designed for students with an interest in a STEM graduate program and/or a career in the field, explains Dr. Derrick Dean, professor of Biomedical Engineering at ASU and the program's coordinator. 

"This well attended event was a most unique opportunity for highly motivated inquisitive student learners with a math and science aptitude who wish to explore the world of engineering graduate education and employment in our two-day, in-person, workshop, which has the ability to change their world for the better," Dean said. "All participants were offered breakfast, lunch and snacks on both days while their brains were fed important data on engineering, other STEM topics, as well as interfacing with representatives from some of the nation's most important employers and graduate schools." 

ASU's undergraduate students met representatives from such acclaimed graduate engineering schools as the Colorado School of Mines, Ohio State University, University of Florida, the University of Michigan and Auburn University, as well as engineering professionals working at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Honda, Northrop-Grumman, and Evonic. 

News media contact: Kenneth Mullinax, 334-229-4104. 
