ASU Seeks to Fill Board of Trustees Vacancy
The Nominating Committee for the Alabama State University Board of Trustees (BOT) is accepting applications for a vacancy for its Nation-at-Large BOT seat.
The candidates for the BOT Nation-at-Large seat should reside outside of the State of Alabama.
The BOT application and relevant information for the seat may be found at the following link:
All electronic application packets must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, July 29, 2022. Interviews will be held on August 10, 2022 between 9 a.m. and noon.
The Nominating Committee prefers that applications for these BOT seats be submitted
via email as one document that includes the application, letter of interest and resume/vitae.
The packet should be emailed to: asunominatingcommittee@alasu.
U.S. Postal Service submissions must be received by the same time and date (Friday, July 29, 2022) and sent to the following address:
ASU Board of Trustees Nominating Committee
c/o Tiffany B. McCord, Chair
3165 Highland Drive
Montgomery, Alabama 36111
Questions related to either BOT position may be directed to: