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December 10, 2021
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ASU Faculty Member Receives New York City 'BIG BOOK AWARD' for Children's Book 

By Kenneth Mullinax/ASU 

An Alabama State University faculty member has received a New York City (NYC) 'Big Book Award’ for a children's book that she penned on why it is healthy for kids to receive mental health counseling.  Dr. Linda J. M. Holloway, an associate professor of Counseling Education, won the NYC Award for her book, titled 'Little Miss Linda Goes to Counseling.'  Holloway also is ASU's program coordinator of the University's Masters in Counseling Programs. 

Holloway explained that as a counseling professional, she became acutely aware of the 'pushback' many parents exhibit when a qualified counseling professional or advocate suggests to parents that their children should receive professional counseling. 

"I wrote this book for our community - which is only the second children's book that I have ever written - because I feel that there are too many African-American parents who have a negative connotation about allowing their children to receive professional counseling services, which could be most beneficial for the child's mental and physical health if only the parent would allow it," Holloway stated. "I wrote this book with the intention of it serving as a tool to educate the child and de-stigmatize the adult."  


“Little Miss Linda Goes To Counseling” is a story written and illustrated to create an opportunity for children to begin having healthy conversations about counseling with their parents, caregivers and peers.  

"In the African-American community, I have found that mental health counseling is seldom discussed or described in a way that portrays it in a positive manner," Holloway said.  "Because of this, sometimes children are not aware of how counseling may benefit them. Therefore, many times, they will not solicit the opportunity to speak with a school counselor, family doctors or other professionals about problems in their lives." 

Holloway stated that too many children will not discuss important issues that affect their mental health because they may not feel safe in talking about their feelings with others.  

"I truly believe that my book helps a child create a safe space for them to begin a dialogue to talk things out and know that it is permissible and healthy to seek the answers to questions they may have through participating in counseling," said Holloway.  


The NYC Big Book Award received a multitude of book submissions worldwide for its 2021 awards that come from sources such as journalists, authors, publishing houses and others. 

The NYC Award's executives stated that ASU's Holloway and other winners are making a difference by helping children.  

"We are elated to highlight these authors' books, recognize their excellence, and share their achievements," said Gabrielle Olczak, awards sponsor. "We look forward to showcasing these titles - including Holloways - to a larger audience."  


Holloway attributes part of her success to the support she received from ASU. 

"There is no doubt that ASU helped me in winning this award by providing me the professional encouragement to write a scholarly book to reach and encourage children to learn, as well as giving me the freedom to provide a voice that touches children," Holloway concluded. 

To view the list of winners that includes Dr. Holloway's book, visit 

To communicate with Dr. Holloway, email her at:  

News media contact: Kenneth Mullinax, 334-229-4104.
