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Dr. Kartz Bibb

Kartz Bibb, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biology
Department of Biological Sciences
Phone:  334-229-5146

Dr. Kartz E. Bibb is an Associate Professor of Biology in the Department of Mathematics and Science, who teaches General Biology. Dr. Bibb’s research interests include the Cell and Molecular Biology of Trypanosoma cruzi host cell receptors and signal transduction events induced by T. cruzi in infection of host cells, Teaching Biology using Case Studies, Innovative Pedagogies in Biology, and Service-Learning . Dr. Bibb has been at ASU for 18 years and is currently serving on various college and departmental committees.


Book Chapters: 

Epigenetic Mechanisms in Cancer : Future Challenges and Prospects for the Role of Epigenetic Mechanisms in Cancer Management,  pages 345-372. K. Bibb, S. Saldanha and R. Arya.   Elsevier Inc, 2018.

Gene Regulation in Cancer, Signaling, Gene Regulation and Cancer: MicroRNAs and Their Involvement in Cancer, pages 385-400. K. Bibb. Nova Science Publishers, 2011.
Featured in a Full Color layout and template in Beyond the Books, Published by Student Horizons, Bethesda Maryland-ASU/Impact Alabama Initiative—      2008-2009


Bibb, K. E., S. Saldanha, J. Jones-Triche, L. Karki, and S. M. Jordan. 2017. Using Case Studies as an Active Learning Tool to Enhance Student Engagement and Learning in General Biology Classrooms. Frontiers Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, 1(1): 1-11.

Bibb, K. E. Who am I in Christ? 2016. The A.M.E. Zion Quarterly Review: CXXIX No:1.

Bibb, K. E. Why Should We Serve?  2010. The A.M.E. Zion Quarterly Review

Villalta, F., Zhang, Y., Bibb, K. E., Pratap, S., Burns, Jr., J. M. And Lima, M. F. 1999. Signal Transduction in Human Macrophages by gp83 Ligand of Trypanosoma cruzi:  Trypomastigote gp83 Ligand Up-Regulates Trypanosome Entry through Protein Kinase C Activation. Molecular Cell Biology Research Communications, 2:64-70.

Villalta, F., Zhang, Y., Bibb, K.E.,  Kappes, J. C. And Lima, M. F. 1998. The Cysteine-Cysteine Family of Chemokines RANTES, MIP- 1 and MIP-1 Induce Trypanocidal Activity in Human Macrophages via Nitric Oxide. Infection and Immunity, 66:4690-4695.

Villalta, F., Zhang, Y., Bibb, K. E., Burns Jr., J. M., and Lima, M. F. 1998. Signal Transduction in Human Macrophages by gp83 Ligand of Trypanosoma cruzi:  Trypomastigote gp83 Ligand Up-Regulates Trypanosome Entry through the MAP Kinase Pathway. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 249:247-252.