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At ASU, the safety of our students is one of our highest priorities. As part of the ASU Department of Public Safety, the campus police work with the ASU community to maintain the safest campus possible.

Our campus police provide 24-hour patrol protection of the campus parking lots and residence halls. The officers are vested with full law-enforcement powers and responsibilities identical to the local police officers and deputy sheriffs in your home community. ASU’s campus police officers are trained at the Montgomery Police Academy and receive additional in-service and specialized training in first aid, firearms, defensive tactics, constitutional and legislative updates, evidence gathering, traffic investigation, and more.

All of the ASU Public Safety Department's Police officers have a full range of public-safety responsibilities including all crime reports, investigating traffic accidents, enforcement of laws regulating underage drinking, the use of controlled substances and weapons, and other incidents requiring police assistance. Potential criminal actions and other emergencies on campus may be reported directly by any student, faculty or staff member.

The Department of Public Safety provides a number of services to promote a safer campus community.


  • Services & Policies
  • Safety Tips 

Useful Safety Information

Crime Statistics

Active Shooter Situations

To learn about what to do during a possible active shooter situation information can be found in the following document(s):

Emergency Preparedness Guide & Plan

Information detailing ASU's Emergency Preparedness Plan can be found in the following document:

Violence Against Wo(men) Program

Learn more about what sexual based violence is and what can be done to help prevent and address this particular form of offense. Information can be found here:

Apply for Parking Now!!!


Campus Parking Application