General Information
Students who live on campus and have had a surgical procedure performed outside of the University Health Center must follow up with the physician who performed the procedure. Documentation will be given to students that have been cleared to continue classes.
Report of Health Form
All students are required to submit a completed Health Evaluation Form to the Health Center. This includes two MMR immunizations, a tuberculosis test (not older than 12 months) and a physical exam (not older than 12 months). The American College Health Association recommends all first-year students living in residence halls get immunized against meningococcal disease (this is not required). Meningitis is a disease that causes severe swelling of the brain and spinal cord.
Submit the completed Health Evaluation Form and additional documents to
Pregnancy Policy
For Health and safety reasons, a student who is pregnant should notify the Director of Health Services of her condition as soon as the pregnancy is confirmed. To avoid any possible damage to the patient or unborn child, we do not provide Health Care Services to students who are pregnant. The student who is expecting should consult with a prenatal provider concerning pregnancy, illness, medication etc.
Referral information is available to all pregnant students; therefore, we request you talk with the provider or a nurse for additional information. Pregnant students (as with any student) who reside in residence halls should be emotionally and physically ab;e to carry on all routine in-residence hall activities-i.e., using dining hall facilities, going to class, performing hygiene chores, activities of daily living without unusual assistance during and after pregnancy.
Alabama State University endorses the statement of the American College Health Associations recommendations and guidelines for institutional policies for higher education on Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Therefore, the university does not discriminate in its practices for those persons with AIDS or HIV. Support services are available to concerned individuals through University Health Services and Counseling Services.
We are glad that you asked! Students will be automatically enrolled in the university’s supplemental Student Health Insurance Program.
Our health insurance plan is financially reasonable and provides benefits for:
- Health Center Visits
- Hospital Visits
- Surgery Benefits
- Prescription Drug Benefits
- Therapeutic and Rehabilitative Care Visits
- 1 Ambulance Transport Benefit
- Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefit
- Mental Health Counseling Visits
- 1 Intercollegiate Sport Physical (per year)
For more information Click Here or visit https://www.studentinsurance.